Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that one per cent of the population of the world has Autism Spectrum Disorder. It may look like a small percentage, but it accounts for at least 75,000,000 people. ASD is a widespread condition. It can be managed to a large extent if proper intervention begins in childhood as they are more adaptable. With accurate recognition through the various symptoms that come under ASD, therapists can help children with autism develop the delayed skills to lead a wholesome life.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental delay in children that can lead to significant social, communication, and behavioral issues. The child may develop social anxiety with age.
Specially abled children may communicate, interact, behave, and learn in ways that most people do not. The child’s learning, thinking, and problem-solving abilities can range from gifted to severely challenged. Some children are able to quickly catch up with their peers, while others may take several years.

Types of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Signs and Symptoms of ASD

Autism symptoms are detectable from 18 months or even younger. One may not need to worry until the child lags significantly in a particular skill they are supposed to know at their age. The problems may arise in the following domains.

Socialization and Communication

Behavioral Skills

Other Difficulties

Diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder

First stage- Developmental Screening and Monitoring

It starts with simple questionnaires about a child’s thinking abilities, behaviors, emotions, physical activities and others. The monitoring is done at 9, 18, 24, 30 months of age.

Second Stage-Comprehensive Developmental Evaluation

It is an in-depth diagnosis done for a specific problem. The test is more detailed and follows a structure. A team of specialists do this evaluation to identify specific issues and determine if the child with ASD needs special therapy.

What We Do For ASD Kids?

We have the best team of certified professionals for various therapies and autism specialists who understand the needs of children in the autism spectrum and hold the sessions in a fun, engaging and comfortable environment. The child doesn’t feel pressured at any stage.

Although the diagnosis is mostly by history and clinical examination yet the diagnostic tests may be required like: 

We give importance to comprehensive treatments and so our interventions methods for autism treatment are based on the developmental aspects. If you have more questions about ASD and need guidance helping your child with ASD, visit our School today or book an online consultation.

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