Occupational Therapy

_Occupational Therapy_

Occupational Therapy for Special Needs Children

Specially abled children or children with neurodevelopmental disorders often struggle with daily activities like getting dressed, playing, walking, recognizing, communicating or responding. Many are also sensitive towards certain sounds. Connecting to the real world is challenging for them.

Occupational therapy addresses these issues and helps the child develop their fine motor abilities, basic life skills, cognitive abilities, and good behaviour. The term ‘Occupation’ denotes the everyday tasks that people do to lead their lives. Here it relates to the activities and behaviour expected from a child.

Key Areas Occupational Therapy Focuses On:

Motor Skills Development (Both fine and gross) 

How does Occupational Therapy help?

By focusing on the key areas, an Occupational Therapist helps the child achieve self-sufficiency in all aspects of their lives. The child also gains self-confidence and a sense of achievement.

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